Venezillo sp. "red antennae"
This variety of isopod may have originally been imported under "Merulanella" from Thailand; as it is very difficult to find any information on them. Now they are tentatively classified as in the Venzillo genus, and they do bear many similarities to the much more commone "little roly poly" Venezillo parvus.
This species has a stunning contrast of a dark, slate gray body with vibrantly red antennae peeking out from underneath. They breed at a moderate rate; slightly slower than their more common counterparts, and make a good cleaning crew.
Venzillo do well in tropical to temperate environments. They are not recommended for arid and will due poorly in low humidity. They are very docile and popular for use in frogs, invertebrates, and other sensitive animals.
If temperatures at arrival destination are ABOVE 80F or BELOW 40F the package will be marked HOLD FOR PICKUP at the closest FedEx facility for the safety of the animals. PLEASE include your phone number at checkout in case the package is marked held. The holding facility may or may not call, so please monitor your tracking number for the package to be available.