Sphagnum moss
Sphagnum moss is widely popular in the pet trade, plant trade, and in many artistic circles. It is dried moss harvested from the top growth layer of bogs and may refer to some 300+ species of moss. Sphagnum moss readily draws water into its cells, even after dead and dried, and may hold 16 times or more its weight in water.
This makes sphagnum very useful as a moist area for both reptiles and invertebrates. It is very popular as a material for nest boxes for reptiles, and is aesthetic enough to be decoration in terrariums. Isopods will eat sphagnum, and it allows security in preventing a setup from drying up completely and maintaining moisture in a tank.
We do recommend using sphagnum with some caution; due to the amount of water it holds it may cause a setup to become too wet.