Pancholora nivea "green banana roach"
Also called the "Cuban cockroach", the green banana roach is native to Cuba, the Caribbean, and has even been observed as far north in the US as the Carolinas. This roach is legal in Florida, being a native species, and is a very popular feeder as it does not enjoy indoor living or infest households. They breed very quickly, making them a great feeder for smaller insects and reptiles. Females are slightly larger than males, and nymphs are brown until their adult molt. Adults can and will fly, but if they disappear in the house, they quickly dessicate without a source of moisture.
This species can be kept in a sterile setup of egg carton, but needs a consistent food source and humidity for best results. We offer vegetables weekly, and a protein source will also encourage reproduction.
If temperatures at arrival destination are ABOVE 80F or BELOW 40F the package will be marked HOLD FOR PICKUP at the closest FedEx facility for the safety of the animals. PLEASE include your phone number at checkout in case the package is marked held. The holding facility may or may not call, so please monitor your tracking number for the package to be available.