Cubaris sp. "Cappuccino"
Cappuccino is a variety of isopod tentatively assigned to the Cubaris genus. They are rather robust animals reaching 5-8mm in width and 10-15mm in length, and among the larger of the Cubaris sp. Unfortunately, we do not have very much collection data on this culture and the details of the specimens are a mystery; however it is regarded as being collected initially in Thailand.
Cappuccino is a slow breeding, but hardy species that produces large, healthy broods every few months. It does take time to build up a population, but once established the culture blossoms. They are also quite docile and friendly to handle.
Cappuccino have a very aesthetic look; members of the culture are white, a deep brown, and a caramelly orange color. If fed a diverse diet with greens and proteins (we particularly enjoy offering fish food intended to bring out color), the caramel is expressed as a beautiful vibrant orange.
We recommend a tub with 8" of dirt or more with plenty of room for air circulation. Cappuccinos also enjoy large areas to hide, especially wide bark pieces. We recommend keeping the setup moist, but not so moist that waster drips when the substrate is squeezed.
If temperatures at arrival destination are ABOVE 80F or BELOW 40F the package will be marked HOLD FOR PICKUP at the closest FedEx facility for the safety of the animals. PLEASE include your phone number at checkout in case the package is marked held. The holding facility may or may not call, so please monitor your tracking number for the package to be available.